Fillers for Facial Rejuvenation

Fillers can be injected into the lips to restore the cupid's bow, lip lines and lip volume loss.

Fillers can be injected into the lips to restore the cupid's bow, lip lines and lip volume loss.

Fillers are injected into the skin to restore or increase volume to the face and help to give a more youthful appearance.

Fillers can be injected into the lips to restore the cupid's bow, lip lines and lip volume loss. They can also be injected into the cheek area and into lines that appear with age in the chin area.

Fillers are used to correct facial lines that are apparent at rest (also called static wrinkles), whilst other types of anti-wrinkle treatments helps to soften wrinkles that occur with facial expression (dynamic wrinkles). Generally speaking, fillers are best for the mid and lower part of the face where as other anti-wrinkle treatments that are available are better for the upper face. A combination of these two treatment options help to create a more natural and 'refreshed' appearance.

What are dermal fillers mAde of?

There are many types of dermal fillers, the ones chosen for the liquid lift are made of hyaluronic acid, a substance which occurs naturally in the body. It is long lasting, but not permanent, and has very limited side effects and minimal allergic potential. It is easy to administer, helping smooth wrinkles and scarring while improving volume loss in an ageing face.


How long does filler last?

Depending on the type of filler used and where it is placed, this treatment usually lasts 9-18 months.


Lip Rejuvenation?

The appearance of your lips change with age. The corners of the mouth tend to droop downwards and the lips become thinner. Lines start to appear in a vertical direction around the lips and the central upper lip (Cupid's Bow) tends to flatten.

Filler injections can be used to restore volume to the lips, redefine the edges of the lips and to soften the vertical lines that surround the lip area.


Are There Any Side Effects?

There are risks and side effects with the injection of fillers. Some of these include pain at the time of injection, bruising and swelling. There is also a small risk of lumps occurring at the injection site and also the filler being injected into a blood vessel. Please speak to our dermal therapist or one of our Dermatologists at Northern Sydney Dermatology for more information.